Rounding collider corners
Back in 2022 I entirely rewrote one of the most complicated parts of Starframe, the collision detection system. A notable feature of the new system is the ability to give any shape rounded corners. I also wrote most of this post back then, but things happened and it was left unfinished. Here it is now, more than two years later. Better late than never I suppose.
The results of this system look something like this (with fancy lighting I've been working on in 2024, more on that some other day):
We'll go over a few different queries a physics engine needs to do on its shapes, namely shape intersections (the bulk of this post), closest points, and ray-/spherecasts. Some basic linear algebra knowledge like dot products and projections will be assumed. Algebraic details are omitted in favor of a visual/geometric approach.
To begin, let's examine the situation before this rework took place.
Status quo§
I had already written a system that was quite fast, accurate and robust, however, there was one glaring problem with it: I only had three collider shapes and adding more was an extremely laborious operation. To illustrate why, the collision check function looked like this (heavily paraphrased to focus on the point):
pub fn intersection_check(colliders: [Collider; 2]) -> ContactResult {
use ColliderShape::*;
match [colliders[0].shape, colliders[1].shape] {
[Circle, Circle] => circle_circle(colliders),
[Circle, Rectangle] => circle_rect(colliders),
[Circle, Capsule] => circle_capsule(colliders),
[Rectangle, Circle] => flip(circle_rect(colliders)),
[Rectangle, Rectangle] => rect_rect(colliders),
[Rectangle, Capsule] => rect_capsule(colliders),
[Capsule, Circle] => flip(circle_capsule(colliders)),
[Capsule, Rectangle] => flip(rect_capsule(colliders)),
[Capsule, Capsule] => capsule_capsule(colliders),
The point being that every possible pair of shapes had its own hand-written query. This meant adding a fourth shape would involve adding four more queries, then adding a fifth would require five, and so on. This file was already over a thousand lines long at this point, and implementing the three queries needed for capsules had taken me several days of work. Clearly this was not sustainable and I needed a generic solution.
Fortunately, these queries are all executing the same fundamental operation called a separating axis test. I just needed to find a way to untangle that operation from the specifics of each shape. While I was working that out I came up with a way to extend the algorithm for rounded shapes. We'll need a bunch of theory to get to that point, so first, let's talk about what the separating axis test does.
I'm hardly the first to do this type of thing; I only came up with this independently because I'm too lazy to do proper research.
The separating axis test§
The Separating Hyperplane Theorem states something to the effect of: two convex shapes intersect if and only if you cannot draw a straight line between them that doesn't touch either of them.
It's a line in 2D, plane in 3D, etc. This works in any dimension, which is why the general theorem calls it a hyperplane.
Now, how do we find such a line (or the lack thereof)? The first step is to consider all possible directions the line can go in. For every such direction, there is a perpendicular axis.
With this we can transform the question "can a line in this direction fit between the shapes?" into "is there room between the shapes when measured along this axis?". This is a question we can actually answer by projecting each shape onto the axis!
This still doesn't help all that much considering there are an infinite number of possible directions. However, in games we're working with polygons, which have a nice property: it's sufficient to test only the planes that align with each polygon's edges, i.e. only the axes corresponding to their normals.
I'm not sure how to prove this, but it has to do with the fact that two polygons cannot intersect without two of their edges intersecting. In 3D this is a little more complicated because polyhedra have both faces and edges, which results in more possible ways to intersect.
So, a simple separating axis test that tells us whether or not two convex shapes intersect goes as follows:
- Define every possible separating axis for both shapes
- For every axis, project both shapes onto it and see if the projections overlap
- If an axis with no overlap was found, the shapes do not overlap. Otherwise they do.
Now, this only tells us whether or not a collision occurred, which isn't nearly enough information to do physics with, but we'll get back to that later.
I'm glossing over a lot of detail here to keep this brief. For a more comprehensive look at separating axis tests, I recommend the book Real-Time Collision Detection by Christer Ericson or this tutorial by Metanet Software. The tutorial has some fantastic interactive visualizations made with Flash, which isn't available in browsers anymore, but I hear Ruffle can still run them.
Circles don't have a finite number of edges like polygons do, which poses a problem for the separating axis test. Fortunately, circles are nice in other ways. A circle is defined in terms of distance only, independent of direction, which means the projection of a circle to any axis is always the same. This allows us to limit a separating axis test to just one axis, namely the one pointing from the circle center to the closest point to it on the other shape.
Once you have the closest point on the other shape, a separating axis test is actually redundant — just check if that point is inside the circle.
How to compute the closest point on the other shape isn't entirely obvious, but in the interest of vaguely coherent storytelling I'll get back to that later.
Combining circles and polygons§
Now we get to the cool idea that actually motivated me to write this blog post. That idea is called the Minkowski sum and it's a way to take two shapes and combine them into one larger shape. Formally, the Minkowski sum of sets and is the set containing every sum of two elements from and ,
A more intuitive way to understand this operation in the context of shapes is that we're taking one shape, sliding its center of mass along the boundary of another shape, and making the outer edge of the covered area the new shape's boundary.
Note that this isn't quite the same thing as what you'd intuitively think of as "rounding the corners" of a polygon — this adds a layer around the polygon instead. To sand off the corners without changing its size using this method, you'd also need to shrink the polygon.
Cool. How would we use this in collision detection? From what we've learned so far, we need a projection operation and a set of possible axes for the separating axis test. As it turns out, projecting a Minkowski sum of two shapes just means projecting each shape and summing the results! When one of the shapes is a circle and its projection is thus independent of axis, this is as simple as projecting the polygon part and adding the circle's radius.
As far as possible separating axes go, this adds one: the one between the closest points on the two shapes. Determining what the closest points are isn't a trivial matter, but before we get to that another digression is in order.
Replace addition with subtraction and you get the Minkowski difference, a crucial operation in another collision detection algorithm called Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK). I won't cover that one here because, frankly, I haven't done my due research. It's probably a good alternative to what I'm presenting here, although in my understanding it also has equally tricky challenges with finding contact points.
Contact points§
As mentioned earlier, just knowing whether or not two shapes intersect isn't enough for physics. We also need to know where they intersect, which turns out to be quite a bit harder of a question to answer.
The first problem we have to tackle is that things don't intersect in real life, they stop moving into each other as soon as their surfaces touch. We don't have that luxury here in discrete-time computer land (unless using continuous collision detection, another thing I won't cover here), so we have to make some assumptions. A reasonable one here is that two intersecting objects probably came into contact from the direction where they overlap least. Thus that should be the direction our physics response should push them in.
We can easily find this direction during the separating axis test. The test finds the amount of overlap between the two shapes in all relevant directions, and what we're looking for is the direction with least overlap. Thus, all we need to do is keep track of the axis with the lowest overlap during SAT and set that as the contact direction at the end.
That's not all though. We're dealing with polygons which have flat edges, making for a few different contact scenarios.
Case a) is nice; there's an obvious single point of contact. In case b) we have two parallel edges, where we would naturally like our physics system to understand there is a contact along the entire overlapping part of those edges (but only the overlapping part). However, in practice cases like b) where we have exactly parallel edges are vanishingly rare, generally actually looking like c), where the contact could plausibly be either at a point or over an edge. How do we decide which one it is? And how do we identify these situations to begin with?
The general idea of the shape of the contact area between two shapes is often called a contact manifold. Here's the most robust way I've found for figuring it out in 2D.
In 3D this is even more complicated, since contacts can not only happen at a point or along a line segment, but in an area of a plane as well.
Clipping edges§
Most polygon vs. polygon intersections don't involve perfectly parallel edges, but we can always find the edges that are closest to parallel, and this turns out to be very useful.
Because the axes tested in the separating axis test all correspond to edges of these polygons, one of these edges is given directly by the axis of least overlap (labelled in the following illustration). We'll call this edge the reference edge. The other shape's edge closest to parallel with the reference edge, called the incident edge, can be found by looping over that shape's edges and picking the one whose normal vector's dot product with is lowest (it's -1 when they're exactly parallel).
The first question to ask about these edges is: do they intersect? If they do, we can conclude this is probably not an edge-to-edge collision. For our contact manifold, then, we say the point at the far end of the incident edge collided with the closest point to it on the reference edge.
If, on the other hand, the edges do not intersect, we decide this is a contact along a line segment. We can define that line segment by examining the projection of the incident edge onto the reference edge as illustrated here:
The separating axis test should rule out all cases that don't look like this, but in practice there's another possible case where the projection of the incident edge lies entirely outside of the reference edge due to floating point inaccuracy. It's also possible the clip would give a line segment, but the incident edge turns out to be entirely outside the reference shape. In both these cases we can report that no collision happened.
A separating axis test followed by this edge clip technique is a robust way to generate contact manifolds for any pair of polygons. With polygon-circle sums it's not quite as simple, but we now have all the building blocks for the full algorithm.
The rounded polygon algorithm§
Finally, the thing we've been building towards for the last, like, several hundred words. A general algorithm to detect collisions and compute contact manifolds for any pair of polygon-circle Minkowski sums. First, let's make up some terms to make this easier to explain.
The polygon component of the Minkowski sum is the inner polygon and its edges the inner edges. The edges of the sum shape are the outer edges and between them are the corner circles.
Recall that the possible separating axes between the two shapes are the axes defined by the inner polygons, plus one more axis between the closest points on each shape's boundary. The algorithm I came up with goes like this:
- Perform a separating axis test on all the axes of the inner polygons. If an axis with no overlap is found, stop and return no contact.
- Pick a reference and incident edge from the outer edges of each shape, and perform the clip operation discussed earlier.
- Depending on the result of the clip:
- If the edges neither intersect nor overlap, skip to step 4.
- If the edges overlap but don't intersect,
return the overlapping part as a line segment contact.
- If the edges intersect, return a point contact
between the reference edge and the corner circle at the incident edge's end.
- If neither of the shapes has a circle component, stop and return no contact.
- Get the endpoint of the inner incident edge and the closest point to it
on the inner reference edge. Check if the distance between these points
is less than the sum of the shapes' circle components. If so, return a point
contact, otherwise, return no contact.
Step 5 corresponds to a separating axis test on the final axis between the closest points on the shapes.
In the case that both shapes are simple polygons without a circle component, this simplifies to the separating axis test plus edge clip defined earlier. In the case that there's at least one shape with a circle component, it covers every possible separating axis including the one between the closest points on the two shapes, and understands line segment contacts between edges of the shapes. The part that's a little clever (if I do say so myself) is finding the closest points as a byproduct of the edge clip before finishing the separating axis test.
The original motivation for this collision detection rework was to make it generic, and fortunately making this slightly more complex algorithm generic wasn't any more difficult than doing that to the original polygon-only algorithm. It merely added a couple of extra steps. Now all it takes to add a new shape (give or take some details) is to give enough information about the shape's edges to perform the separating axis test and the edge clip.
That's all there is to collision detection between two shapes like this. It's probably not the only thing you want to do with these shapes, though. Let's look at a couple more questions that collision detection systems commonly need to answer.
Other operations§
So what are the questions that we haven't aswered yet? For one, in the previous section I ignored the case where one of the shapes is just a circle. We also want some other queries for gameplay purposes, namely closest points and raycasts.
Point queries§
It's often very useful to know whether or not a point is inside a shape. For instance, I use a query like this to implement selecting objects with the mouse cursor. Sometimes if the answer is no, you might still want to know where the closest point on the shape is. For circles and rectangles this question is trivial to answer, but less so for other shapes. Here's an algorithm that works for any shape defined as a polygon-circle sum like we've been doing and finds two things given a point : the closest point to on the shape's boundary, as well as whether is inside or outside of the shape.
If the shape was a simple polygon without a circle component and we just wanted to know whether is inside or outside of it, we wouldn't need to get the closest point. We could simply do a separating axis test using the edge normals. With the circle component added, however, we need the closest point for the same reason we needed it in the SAT earlier, so we might as well compute it even if we only want the yes/no result.
- Find the closest point to on each edge by projecting onto the line parallel to the edge and then clamping within the bounds of the edge.
- Pick the edge where the distance between and the projected point is the smallest. The variables in the following steps refer to this edge and the point projected to it.
- If lies inside the edge (not at one of its endpoints), might be inside the inner polygon. Check for this.
- is the closest point on the inner polygon's boundary.
To get the closest point on the sum shape's boundary,
take the direction vector between and .
Then extrude away from by the circle component's radius as follows:
- If is inside the inner polygon,
we're definitely inside the sum shape
and the boundary point is found by moving away from .
- If not, check if we're inside the sum shape by seeing
if the distance between and is less than the circle radius.
Get the boundary point by moving from towards .
- If is inside the inner polygon,
we're definitely inside the sum shape
and the boundary point is found by moving away from .
The step 3 check for being inside the inner polygon is necessary not just to get the correct direction vector to add in step 4, but also because the distance check at the end of step 4 would miss points that are too close to the polygon's center (and thus too far from its edges).
That's all. TL;DR: first compute the closest point on the inner polygon's boundary, then expand towards the query point until we reach the sum shape's boundary. While you do that, see if the query point is inside the shape.
While writing this post I realized I had made a mistaken assumption in my original version of this algorithm, and reimplemented the whole thing. Blog-mediated rubber duck debugging! 😛
This information actually allows us to implement collision detection between these sum shapes and circles. Simply compute the closest point to the circle center, check if it's inside the circle, and you're done!
Raycasts and spherecasts§
This is where the part I wrote in 2022 ends. I hope you'll forgive me for cutting some corners (as opposed to, ahem, rounding them) to get the post finished in reasonable time and move on with my life 😅
Another important question game developers need to ask their physics engine is where the closest thing in some specific direction is. A raycast is a way to answer this question: given a starting point and a direction, walk along a line defined by these parameters and return the first object touched. This information can be applied in myriad creative ways, from shots and lines of sight in a shooter game to keeping track of the ground under a hovercraft.
Sometimes you might have small gaps between things where a thin ray can get lost. What if you want something that can't pass through tiny gaps? A simple solution (at least conceptually) is, instead of just walking a point along the ray, make it a shape with some nonzero width and find the first thing that shape runs into. This is called a shapecast.
Attentive readers may find a resemblance here to an idea we've talked about quite a bit in this post (hint: it starts with M and ends with 'inkowski sum'). A shapecast is like a Minkowski sum of a ray and a shape. And the objects we're looking for with the cast are Minkowski sums of polygons and circles. Turns out we can move terms of these sums around, and this test can be expressed as a regular raycast against the Minkowski sum of the target shape with the shape being cast!
How convenient. We already have a way to add a circle to a polygon, so if we want to do a shapecast with a circle (called a spherecast) in this framework, we just need to add the circle to the shapes we're testing against and run a plain old raycast. Neat! So let's take a look at how to raycast against a polygon-circle sum. This isn't as easy as raycasting against a simple polygon, but getting spherecasts for free is a heck of a benefit.
This isn't quite the whole story when using a spatial structure such as a grid or a tree to speed up the search, as the shape needs to traverse this structure. Explaining this in detail is out of this post's scope, but I'm using an AABB tree where this redistributed Minkowski sum idea can also be applied — simply expand each node by the circle's radius and traverse a regular ray through it.
First, to check if the ray intersects with a shape somewhere, we can make use of the fact that we're in 2D space and use a trick we already know. The only separating axis between a ray and anything in 2D is the one perpendicular to the ray, so we can find out if the ray misses or hits by running a separating axis test on the ray's origin point and the target shape along this axis.
If the test says we have a hit, we once again find that the harder part is finding the point where the ray intersected the shape. It's not too complicated, just a bit of work. First, note that the boundaries of our shapes are composed of only two kinds of things, circle arcs and line segments.
So all we really need is a ray-line segment and ray-circle intersection test. We could simply check against every boundary segment and pick the closest intersection found, but with a bit of cleverness we can skip all but at most one of the circle arcs. Here's what my implementation does:
- Start by considering the polygon obtained by extending the outer edges until they meet.
Check for intersection against each of the edges and find the closest one.
- If this intersection is inside the part of the segment that's part of the actual shape, we're done. Return this intersection point.
- Otherwise, we now know which side of the edge we've overshot,
which tells us which circle arc we must have hit instead.
Run a ray-circle test against this circle and return the result.
And that's how you compute a ray-shape intersection, with one caveat: special cases are needed for circles and capsules, since the construction of the outer polygon here relies on two different edges starting from each vertex. I won't go over the details here, but the ideas are the same.
We've looked at three fundamental operations of a collision detection system — shape intersections, closest point queries, and ray-/spherecasts, and how I've implemented them for shapes expressed as Minkowski sums of convex polygons and circles. Most of the complexity comes from finding points of contact, which are not always important but are entirely crucial for realistic physics.
I've left out the algebra to save time and focus on geometric intuitions. If you'd like to see how to compute the line intersections needed in edge clipping and raycasting, or how to compute the area and moment of inertia of these shapes for the purposes of physics (moment of inertia in particular is an interesting exercise in surface integrals that I really didn't need an exact value for but computed it anyway), or anything else that got glossed over here, feel free to ping me on Mastodon and I'll be happy to dig up my old notes (I think I still have them somewhere..) to post as an appendix.